Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vocab: Fall list #3

Coherent- logically connected
Belabor- to explain in great detail
Eschew- to shun, avoid
Acquisitive- Acquire money or material
Emulate- to imitate with effort to equal or surpass
Banal- devoid or freshness
Excoriation- to denounce severely
Congeal- change from a soft state to a solid state
Carping- characterized by petulant faultfinding
Substantiate- to establish by proof
Temporize- to be indecisive or evasive to change time
Largesse- the general bestowal for gifts, favor, or money
Tenable- capable or being defended, against attack
Insatiable- Incapable of being satisfied or appease
Reconnaissance- To inspect, observe
Germane- closely or significantly related
Ramify- spread out into branches
Intransigent- refusing to agree
Taciturn- inclined to silence,speaking little

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