Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vocab: Fall list #2

Intercede-to interfere on behalf of
Hackneyed-lacking significance due to over usage
Approbation-approval  or praise
Innuendo- a remark or hint that is given, typically suggested
Coalition-A temporary alliance to combine forces
Elicit-to evoke an answer from a person in response  ones own actions
Hiatus- a pause or a gap
Assuage- to make an unpleasant feeling less intense
Decadence-luxurious self indulgence
Expostulate-To express strong disapproval
Simulate- to imitate the experience of
Jaded- tired or bored
Umbrage- offense or annoyance
Prerogative- right reserved for one exclusive class
Lurid- very vivid color
Transcend- to go beyond limits
Provincial- Concerning a province of an empire
Petulant- childish or sulky
Unctuous- Excessively oily
Meritorious- deserving reward or praise

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